Finally, on July 6, he was born. Then time, that had seemed to be crawling past, began to race. He was rolling, sitting, laughing, eating, crawling, standing all in the blink of an eye.
Friday, July 1, 2011
A year ago
A year ago today I was 2 days overdue with Caden. I was big! Really, really big. I didn't expect to go over my due date. In fact, I thought he would be here early. Owen came 5 days early, so I crazily got my hopes up that Caden would grace us with his presence early too. Nope! Those last weeks seemed to drag on and on. All I wanted was to hold my sweet little baby in my arms, but instead I had to haul my 58 pounds heavier self the Texas summer heat...with a two year old in tow. Everything took forever, and time seemed longer. How is it possible that a minute was still a minute, a day still a day, when it all seemed slower. I thought he would never come.
Finally, on July 6, he was born. Then time, that had seemed to be crawling past, began to race. He was rolling, sitting, laughing, eating, crawling, standing all in the blink of an eye.
Now my little baby isn't so little. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was laying on my chest seeing the world for the first time? How has a year gone so quickly by? Time has played a trick on me, and I know it will continue to do so. I will be fooled into thinking I have 17 more years until Caden is grown, but it won't really be that long. Not when I look back. When I look back it will be a blur of memories. I'll have the dates recorded, proving that time was accurate. Seventeen years will have really passed, but just like this last year has passed in an instant, so will the rest. In 5 days my sweet Caden will be one. Then he'll be 2, 3, 4.... A minute will continue to be a minute. A day will still be a day, but don't let time fool you like it has me.
Finally, on July 6, he was born. Then time, that had seemed to be crawling past, began to race. He was rolling, sitting, laughing, eating, crawling, standing all in the blink of an eye.
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There is no way that you gained 58 lbs. You looked as beautiful as ever :) Love those sweet boys (and you too)!