Happy Birthday to my precious Caden!
I can't believe you are already one.

On July 6th of last year at 3am our busy first day together began when my water broke. We had been praying for you to decide it was time to come into the world, and I was so excited that the time was here! We arrived at the hospital a couple hours later so I could get started on antibiotics for group b strep. When the doctor came in to check on you and me he discovered that I had a second bag of water! Too weird! After two rounds of antibiotics I let the doctor break my other bag of water to speed things up. While we waited for you, daddy and I walked A LOT. We also ate Schlotzky's and watched the movie, Girl with a Pearl Earring. I would just relax and close my eyes during contractions.

After the movie the contractions began getting more intense. We put on some soft music, and I continued to relax while my body did the work. I felt I needed to go pee, and I knew it was almost time to meet you because I was very serious and a little snippy. I went into the bathroom, and that is where you were almost born! I didn't know if I would make it back to the bed, but somehow I did. Less than 5 minutes later at 3:48pm you were born. They placed you immediately on my chest. You were perfect! 7pounds, 9 ounces and 20 1/2 inches. I was so happy to finally be holding you. Those first moments together were perfect! I loved you so much immediately, and I have grown to love you more every day. I have been so blessed watching you grow this year. I love your playful personality! I know you are going to keep me busy, and I can't wait! You are such a gift! I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mommy! I love you, Caden! I hope your first birthday is wonderful!
Happy Birthday sweet Caden! Come over and play soon. :)