Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer fun has begun...sort of

It is HOT here in New Braunfels! We are already getting into the 100's, and it isn't even June yet. To do anything outside during the day you almost have to be doing a water activity. One of the wonderful things about NB is all of the great water activity options. This year I decided the kids and I should get Schlitterbahn season passes. Yesterday afternoon we slathered on the sunblock, packed some bottled water, and headed to the bahn for the first time. I had been so excited about spending tons of fun time in the water with the boys that I gave very little thought to how frustrating, stubborn, determined Owen can be. We met up with my friend Brittany and her sweet little guy at one of the awesome kiddie areas. We sat down in the very shallow water to cool off and let Caden and his baby buddy Parker splash a bit. We were surrounded by fun little water slides, a submarine, and many other fantastic things most 3 year olds would love. Surely Owen would want to explore, right? Wrong! I stand up and try and encourage him to come with me, "Let's go look at the pirate ship."
"NO! I want to sit in the water!"
"Do you want to go down the slide?'
Okay. I let it go. We decided if we were just going to sit in the water we should move to the even shallower area so the babies could explore a little more. Owen was not happy about this decision. He stomped his feet, screamed, and finally crawled across the ground behind me. He continued to throw fits and fight me for every decision. He ran away from me and even laid down in the middle of a bridge. At that point I decided it was time to go. We said goodbye to Brittany, Parker, and the cool, refreshing water and began the walk back to the car in the blistering heat. Sigh.
First thing this morning Owen says to me in his sweet, morning voice, "I want to go back to Schlitterbahn today."  Are you kidding me!?! Such is life with a hardheaded, demanding, strong willed 3 year old. I love him to death, but I think we'll skip Schlitterbahn today.

Here is a pic of Caden and Parker. They loved it!

Here is my Owen. Hopefully, with time, mommy brain will cause me to only remember how he was in this picture, and not how the rest of our first trip to Schlitterbahn actually was. I love this boy!


  1. This is too funny Kristine! It seems to me like every time I think a certain activity will be so great for the kids, that is just when they won't play along and it doesn't end up turning out the way I hoped. When I seem to think it would make a great memory, it turns sour and the memory is a not-so-good one! HA
    Got to love our kiddos!!

  2. oh we had a similar story at the park today. :) This mommy thing is hard! I haven't braved any water activities with all 3 yet...

  3. Magen, that happens to me quite often with Owen. It can definitely be discouraging when you plan something special and they refuse to enjoy the experience. Oh well, they are worth the frustrating moments :-)

    Candy, I can't imagine adding another to the mix at a water park! Does Carson still like to be worn? I bought a water wrap carrier for Caden on etsy. I think it will be a life saver!
